(KTTC) - A bi-partisan effort is underway in Washington to help strengthen the economy through a stronger Renewable Fuel Standard.
DFL Senator Senator Amy Klobuchar and Republican Senator Chuck Grassley are calling on the Trump Administration to support a strong renewable fuel standard for 2018. They are calling on this as the Environmental Protection Agency finalizes their bio-fuel requirements for 2018.
Although President Trump has said he favors bio-fuels, the EPA is proposing a plan that would result in fewer bio-fuels than last year. This has farmers worried.
To combat this, Klobuchar and Grassley are leading a group of 38 senators calling for more bio-fuel blends in 2018.
In a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruit, the senators said that the standard should promote growth in the U.S. bio-fuel sector and in the economy. They are urging him to uphold President Trump's promises.
They also said this is good for both the national and rural economy.