MANKATO, Minn – “Meray and Nick Rahme left for Lebanon in March 2016 for what they thought would be a three month stay before heading home with their new adopted baby.

"The system there isn't quite up to par to what we're used to so that was a little bit of a challenge because they only met twice a week for court systems," Mother, Meray Rahme said.

"We were told two weeks, next two weeks, another month, so this is how it dragged all the time and then we ended up staying there for 11 months," Father, Nick Rahme said.

Putting their lives back at home on hold..

And even though they were thousands of miles away from Mankato, the support from the community kept them going.

"I can't tell you how many people came up to me or would go to Olives or Massad's and say how's the baby we're praying for the baby," Grandmother, Nawja Massad said.

An entire community coming together in different ways...

"Julie Holman from Loyola high school the kids drew pictures so that we could send it," Massad said.

Reaching all the way to Senator Amy Klobuchar..

"They went beyond anything. We talked to them on a Sunday night and we would go oh we're sorry we're calling you on a Sunday but we're worried especially when the ban was instated and they'd say to us don't worry about us it's our job and it's not a job. A job is what you work 8 to 5 and then you go home and forget about it. They worked day and night," Massad said.

"It definitely helped with all the prayers that people were saying for us and the community backing us up," Meray said.

As tough as it was, arriving back in America... holding John in their arms made everything worth it.

"Raising him now and spending all the time with him in a normal life. It's extraordinary, it's wonderful," Nick said.

"He just smiles at me like this and I'm like seriously and I've been waiting to hear that for forever and a day," Meray said.