WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released the statement below following President Trump’s recent false statement that it is inappropriate and illegal to count ballots after Election Day, and the Supreme Court’s ruling in Democratic National Committee v. Wisconsin Legislature, where Justice Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion contains incorrect information regarding voting. Absentee ballots counted after Election Day do not ‘flip the results of an election,’ as Justice Kavanaugh claimed. They are the results of the election.

"In America, we count the votes to determine who wins an election. Despite the incorrect assertions from President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh, election officials across the country accept ballots well after Election Day every year, and results are not certified until the votes are counted and a canvas to confirm the results is conducted. More than twenty states, including states like Mississippi, Kansas, and Utah, require ballots postmarked by Election Day to be counted even if they are received after Election Day. This is critical to ensuring that those who may face hardships in voting, including members of our military serving abroad and those affected by COVID-19, are not disenfranchised by things like mail delays. These are not new rules and they do not serve any political party. It is on all of us to reject misinformation and to tell the truth. Our election systems span 50 states, five territories, and thousands of jurisdictions. State and local election officials are working around the clock, and experts have concluded that the integrity of our election system is strong. The best defense against those trying to undermine our democracy is the resolve of the American people, who are voting by the millions as we speak. Keep voting.”

On October 18, Klobuchar and Sanders along with Senators Schumer (D-NY), Heinrich (D-NM), Murphy (D-CT), and Duckworth (D-IL) issued a report titled 2020 General Election: Counting Votes & What to Expect on Election Day, which offers a guide to voting procedures in key states. The report can be found HERE.
