Senator Amy Klobuchar has unveiled new legislation to support nonprofit organizations in Minnesota and across the country.

Klobuchar's Work Opportunities and Resources to Keep Nonprofit Organizations Well (WORK NOW) Act aims to provide resources and funding to nonprofits and create jobs for out of work Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If it passes, the legislation will create a significant new grant program to help nonprofits retain their employees, scale their services, and provide new jobs for those unemployed.

"Nonprofits are on the front lines of this crisis helping millions of Americans in need. From food banks, to shelters, to counseling centers, charitable organizations are doing incredible work to help families put food on their table, provide housing assistance, and serve people with disabilities," Klobuchar said.

"But as demand for their services soars, many of these organizations are struggling financially. At the same time, over 36 million Americans have lost their jobs and are looking for work. We need to help charitable nonprofits keep their doors open, scale their invaluable services, and provide opportunities for unemployed Americans to return to work serving their communities."

The need for many types of nonprofit organizations has soared, while typical revenues from things such as charitable giving have dropped off significantly, forcing organizations to lay off workers and leaving some unable to cope with the demand.

Allocations will be made to state and local governments, who will then award funding to nonprofits that meet needs that have increased as a result of COVID-19.

The majority of funding must be used for employee compensation, but some funding can also help organizations innovate in delivering services in new ways to meet the new challenges caused by the coronavirus.