Sen. Amy Klobuchar was making her way back to Minneapolis from Joe Biden’s campaign event in Duluth when she heard the news of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing.

“We’ve lost a hero, an icon, she’s someone who made justice cool again,” Klobuchar said.

As a prosecuting attorney in Minnesota in the 90s, Sen. Klobuchar says Justice Ginsburg inspired her legal career in many ways, including the way she collaborated with other Justices she didn’t always agree with politically.

“She made you think that everything and anything was possible,” Klobuchar said.

As a current member of the of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Klobuchar says President Donald Trump cannot force them to start the nomination process and vote on Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before the election.

“When Justice [Antonin] Scalia died, Sen. Mitch McConnell said that the American people should have a say and the new president should fill the vacancy, and so we will hold him to his word,” Klobuchar said.

Justice Ginsberg also influenced another Minnesotan, the Honorable U.S. Chief Judge John Tunheim.

Back in 1994 Judge Tunheim was sworn in by Justice Ginsberg for the Assassination Records Review Board, which oversaw the collection of records relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy,

“She was delightful, she spent time with my children, she was a wonderful addition to that little ceremony we had,” Tunheim said.

Judge Tunheim says Justice Ginsburg leaves behind an impressive legacy.

“She was a pioneer, she was a leader, and she was an inspiration and it’s a sad day today to lose Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” Tunheim said .

There’s been an outpour of grief from other local leaders, including Gov. Tim Walz who said in a tweet Friday night, “She broke glass ceilings at every turn. She envisioned and implemented a humane and progressive interpretation of the law. She changed this country for the better.”