U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar met with National FFA member Anna Buckentine from Chaska to congratulate her on winning the Minnesota Farmer’s Union’s FFA essay contest.

Buckentine was awarded with $1,000 for the SouthWest Metro FFA chapter and a trip to Washington, D.C., with the Minnesota Farmer’s Union for their annual fly-in. The contest asked students statewide to write an essay about the role of local food in Minnesota’s farm economy.

“Farming is the backbone of Minnesota’s economy,” Klobuchar stated. “As a stand-out FFA member, Anna clearly understands the importance of agriculture in our state and will help lead America’s agricultural industry into the 21st century.”

The National FFA Organization provides leadership, personal growth and career success training through agricultural education to 579,678 student members in grades seven through 12.