(Worthington Daily Globe)
By: Daily Globe, Worthington Daily Globe
In order for the United States to remain competitive in a global economy, legislation needs to be passed that spurs innovation. A bill introduced earlier this year by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, DFL-Minnesota, and Sen. Scott Brown, R-Massachusetts, does just that.
The Innovate America Act, Klobuchar explained during a visit to Worthington last week, would help “revitalize America’s innovative edge and ability to compete” around the world. “It focuses on getting more math, science, technology and math education, and making sure those programs as well as possible are tailored to the needs of business,” she told the Daily Globe.
Klobuchar knows what she’s talking about, as she has assumed key leadership positions on economic development in Washington. She serves on the Senate Commerce Committee, and chairs the Subcommittee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Export Promotion. “The export market is incredibly important for our livestock,” Klobuchar told this newspaper last week, noting that the removal of trade barriers in South Korea have been “helpful” in a pork industry rebound.
Earlier this year, Klobuchar hosted an “Innovation Summit” where hundreds gathered to discuss ways to boost America’s worldwide competitiveness. She realizes this involves the cutting of what she calls “red tape” for businesses, and is also aware of the economic potential of southwest Minnesota.
Congress would be wise to move the bipartisan-supported Innovate America Act forward.