By KBJR News 1

The stimulus package passed by president Obama Tuesday promises to bring 91,000 jobs to Minnesota.

It's also going to help renewable energy efforts in the state.

Senator Amy Klobuchar came to Northern Minnesota to outline the benefits of this plan today.

"We have bridges, we have roads, we have sewer issues, we have lots of projects– we have schools that need to be rebuilt and so a lot of that is being funded through the federal stimulus package," said Alan Netland, president of the Duluth Central Labor Body.

As the sole Minnesota representative, Senator Amy Klobuchar's efforts in the senate are bringing more than $4 billion to the state.

"We have seen every town in Minnesota including in Northern Minnesota layoffs and work slow downs, and no one can go without knowing someone who's lost their job or been reduced in their hours," Klobchar said Thursday.

Right now Northeast Minnesota has a 25 to 35 percent unemployment rate in the building trades, and labor unions hope the new recovery plan will change that.

"We're hoping that the package will get a lot of those folks back to work within 90 days my understanding is they're supposed to be shovel ready projects," said Netland.

Klobuchar also spoke to Minnesota Power representatives Thursday... about the renewable energy money the stimulus bill brings.

"We spent over $600,000 a minute on foreign oil. It's not good for our economy and it's certainly not good for our national security so that's why the new pres is devoted and I'm devoted to this idea over having a strong energy policy in this country," said Klobuchar.

$189 million will be spent creating energy jobs in Minnesota.

"There's also significant tax credits in the bill to try to foster more wind and solar to the tune of an additional 100 billion dollars in private investment." said Klobuchar

Minnesota is a leader in energy policy, and Minnesota power intends to continue its efforts to achieve 25– percent renewable energy by the year 2025.

Right now the company is pursuing increased biomass and hydro energy... and won't add more coal generation unless they can come up with a reasonable carbon solution.