Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, on Sunday criticized President Trump's latest immigration plan, saying it does not deal with the issue comprehensively.

“I feel like the president has carved out one niche here, instead of dealing with the overall comprehensive immigration issue," the senator said on "Fox News Sunday."

“What bothers me about the president’s plan is the fact that he doesn’t deal with the Dreamers, he doesn’t deal with the millions of people who came here with no fault of their own, he doesn’t deal with the 10 million people that are here now, many of whom would like to see if they follow the law, learn English, they want to be on a path to citizenship," she added.

“A lot of our Republican colleagues, people like Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Johnny Isakson of Georgia, they joined with Democrats to take this on."

Trump rolled out an immigration plan late last week that would move the U.S. toward a “merit-based” system favoring highly skilled workers over migrants with family members living here.

Democrats and some Republicans questioned why the plan did not address the fate of millions of young immigrants who were unlawfully brought to the U.S.

Guarding protections for those immigrants has been a top priority for Democrats ever since Trump attempted to end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Klobuchar slammed the plan when it was announced as "far from comprehensive."

"The President's immigration proposal continues to fail DREAMers, does not address our refugees and asylum seekers and provides no path to citizenship," she tweeted last Thursday. "This plan is far from comprehensive — what we need is comprehensive immigration reform that moves our country & economy forward."