WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released the statement below in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
“Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — a pastor, patriot, and peaceful crusader who embodied courage, perseverance, and justice. He dreamed of a nation that lives up to the promise we all memorized in grade school when we learned the pledge: ‘One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.’
“Generation after generation of Americans have worked to realize Dr. King’s dream, and today that work falls to us. Just as Dr. King fought for the Voting Rights Act — which turns 60 this year — it’s on us to ensure that every voter can make their voice heard in our democracy. It’s also on us to make economic opportunity available to Americans in every zip code — because as Dr. King once asked, ‘What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesn’t earn enough money to buy a hamburger and a cup of coffee?’
“At a time when so much threatens to tear us apart, let Dr. King’s teachings be a reminder that what unites us as Americans is far greater than what divides us. Let us remember that, in his words, ‘we can all get more together than we can apart.’ And let us recommit ourselves to building the nation Dr. King dared to envision.”