Klobuchar led an amicus brief on this case that was joined by 19 of her colleagues and attended oral arguments  

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration with oversight over federal elections, released the statement below on the Supreme Court’s decision in Moore v. Harper in which the Court rejected the extreme independent state legislature theory which claims that the federal Constitution allows state legislatures to make rules for federal elections without the usual checks and balances set up by state constitutions. 

“This is a victory for democracy. The Court in a 6-3 decision by Chief Justice Roberts joined by justices across the ideological spectrum rightly struck down this attempt to subvert the democratic process. The Court kept in place the constitutional checks and balances that are fundamental to our democracy and rejected this radical attempt to diminish the power of voters across the country.”

In November, Klobuchar led an amicus brief to the Supreme Court highlighting their opposition to the independent state legislature theory that was joined by 19 of her colleagues. The senators argued that the federal Constitution requires state legislatures to follow the same constitutional procedures when making rules for federal elections that they use to make other state laws. 

In December, Klobuchar attended oral arguments at the Supreme Court in this case.
