April 2020

Date Title
4/28/20 Klobuchar, Durbin Lead Colleagues to Urge Bureau of Prisons to Release Critical Demographic Data as Country Confronts Coronavirus Pandemic
4/27/20 Klobuchar, Colleagues Urge Administration to Take Action to Ensure Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Funds Reach Small Businesses
4/27/20 Klobuchar, Booker, Cortez Masto, Colleagues Urge Administration to Implement Solutions that Allow Eligible Immigrants to Complete Naturalization Process
4/25/20 As Livestock Markets Face Unprecedented Disruptions, Klobuchar, Lee Call on Agencies to Address Problems in Meat Supply Chains
4/25/20 Klobuchar, Smith, Colleagues Urge Congress to Provide Housing Support for Domestic Violence Survivors During Coronavirus Pandemic
4/24/20 Klobuchar, Hirono, Duckworth Urge Administration to Ensure Support for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
4/23/20 Klobuchar, Blunt Urge Administration to Ensure Intercountry Adoptions Proceed in Safe and Timely Manner During Coronavirus Pandemic
4/23/20 Klobuchar, Cramer, Welch, Marshall Urge Administration to Support Funding Dedicated to Ensuring Small Broadband Providers Can Sustain Critical Internet Services for Low-Income Families and Students in Future Coronavirus Relief Packages
4/23/20 Klobuchar, Coons, Wyden Lead Democrats in Call for $3.6B to expand Vote-By-Mail, Early Voting in CARES 2 Relief Package
4/23/20 Klobuchar, Smith Announce Loan Eligibility for Farmers Included in Interim Coronavirus Relief Package Passed by Senate