Klobuchar called on Administration to prevent China from dumping passenger vehicle and light truck tires into the U.S. market and to restore dried distillers grains trade with the country
WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar urged the Administration to crack down on China for anti-competitive trade practices. Klobuchar called on the Administration to work to restore fair trade conditions dried distillers grains (DDGs) trade with China and to prevent China from dumping vehicle and light truck tires into the U.S. market.
“American workers can compete with anyone in the world when it comes to providing quality products. Unfortunately, China isn’t playing by the rules and is compromising our ability to compete on a level playing field,” Klobuchar said. “We must act quickly to crack down on these predatory trade practices to defend our manufacturers and protect American jobs.”
Klobuchar joined 26 of her colleagues to send a letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce in support of the Department’s decision to initiate antidumping and countervailing duty investigations of passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China. China has flooded the market with its tire exports, threatening American producers and their workers.
In a bipartisan letter with 18 other senators, Klobuchar also urged the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to restore the trade of DDGs with China. The senators condemned the Chinese government’s recent action to reject U.S. exports of DDGs containing traces of a U.S. approved trait that is under regulatory consideration by China. They also pressed the USTR to work with China to restore the flow of trade and develop a more consistent set of rules governing trade of new crop technologies.
Klobuchar has worked hard during her time in the Senate to protect American manufacturers from illegal trade practices and to protect American jobs. Earlier today she testified before the International Trade Commission to press for a crackdown on Mexican and Turkish companies dumping rebar into the United States. After she urged the ITC in July to crack down on Korean companies for dumping steel products into the U.S., the ITC voted last month to impose penalties on the companies.