WASHINGTON – During her meeting yesterday with Attorney General Nominee William Barr, U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) asked Mr. Barr, a former member of the board of directors at Time Warner, if he would recuse himself from the Department of Justice’s review of the proposed merger of AT&T and Time Warner. Mr. Barr agreed that he would recuse himself should he be confirmed.

“As Ranking Member of the Antitrust Subcommittee and as someone deeply concerned about maintaining a marketplace that benefits consumers, it is critically important that the Justice Department is able to complete an unbiased review of the proposed AT&T-Time Warner merger,” Klobuchar said. “Given Mr. Barr’s ties to Time Warner, this commitment from Mr. Barr to recuse himself from the Department’s review is necessary.”

Senator Klobuchar is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Ranking Member of the Antitrust Subcommittee.
