Klobuchar led the bipartisan Senate effort to recognize the patriotism and the commitment of Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers in service of our country on January 6

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, issued the following statement on the display in the Capitol Visitor Center of one of four Congressional Gold Medals recognizing the service and sacrifice of the United States Capitol Police and other law enforcement officers who defended the Capitol on January 6.

Klobuchar, along with former Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), introduced legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medals and successfully led efforts for it to be signed into law. President Biden signed an identical House version of the bill in August 2021. The other three medals will be displayed by the U.S. Capitol Police, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department, and Smithsonian Institution.

“The January 6th attack was more than an assault on the U.S. Capitol building, it was an actual life or death situation for the law enforcement officers on duty that day and many other officers who rushed to the Capitol to join in its defense,” said Klobuchar. “These officers performed heroically under unimaginable circumstances, suffering many injuries and loss of life, and it is only fitting that we recognize them in our nation’s Capitol with the Congressional Gold Medal so Americans can remember their sacrifice for generations to come.”

Download photographs of the display here.

