WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, announced that the Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 3:00 PM to mark up a resolution to allow the Senate to break through Senator Tuberville’s blockade of military nominations on the Senate floor. The resolution, which is led by Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jack Reed (D-RI), establishes a standing order for the remainder of the 118th Congress to provide for the en bloc consideration of military nominations - with the exception of nominees to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and commanders of a combatant command - that have been favorably reported by the Senate Armed Services Committee. 

“Senator Tuberville has put a hold on over 350 military officers, from the head of the Pacific Air Command to the director of Cyber Command. He is holding our military chain of command hostage and threatening our national security,” said Klobuchar. “Senator Tuberville refuses to heed the warnings of our top military officials. He refuses to even cooperate with members of his own party who have pleaded with him to lift this hold. This vote in the Rules Committee will allow us to finally move forward with military confirmations, filling critical positions and protecting our military readiness.”
